Friday, October 19, 2012


I'm pleased to announce the Grand Opening of my Etsy shop!

So I have been creating like crazy the past few days/weeks/months and I've finally been able to work out all the kinks and open shop!  I'm so excited to get all my projects up and out in the open.  Each one is special to me and I've taken care to ensure quality in each one.
Some of you may know what I've been up to but for those of you who don't I've been spending most of my days creating unique driftwood pieces.  I love the beautiful driftwood that I've found here in Hawaii and creating inexpensive household decor out of it has sort of become a requisite for those living in campus housing (i.e. temporary home + lack of funds = creating decor out of local finds).  So I thought I would share that novelty of my life with the rest of the world.  And there is definitely more good stuff to come! So please take a look around my shop (maybe "like" my Facebook page while you're at it! ) and let me know what you think!

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